Does Aquaponics Really Work?
One of the questions some people ask is “Does Aquaponics really work over the long term?”
Other people have concerns about adding all sorts of complicated filtration mechanisms to keep the fish water clean and pure. Some of these concerns are legitimate in a commercial aquaponics scenario.
But for the average person raising fish and vegetables together for home use, a well built aquaponics system does not require complicated filtration systems. Murray Hallam has been building quality made aquaponics systems for domestic use for a number of years now and there are hundreds of happy users producing fish and vegetables for home consumption without any additional filtration apart from the grow beds.
Recently we caught up with Murray to ask him to explain their uses. Rather than get into a lengthy debate about this issue, Murray as usual wanted to show us what a great system is all about. Producing healthy, large fish and fresh, clean vegetables.
Here’s a clip from his “Aquaponics: The First 12 Months” to be released shortly. How healthy does that fish look?
I have an hydroponic system 12ft long and 3ft wide set up with 2 troughs 12inch deep one on top of the other.
The top one is filled with 3/16inch white quartz gravel for growing and the bottem one as water with neutriants in.
A pump fills up the top trough till it overflows (1hr) it then drains through a small hole (1/8th) in 3hrs. This is set to run by timer for 2 or 3 times per day.
QUESTION: Can I use this system for Aquaponics with say, 10inchs of water for the fish.
If you send an email address I can send photos
You can Stan with some modification to your system. Please remember that Aquaponics works with fish waste and fish waste is not as fine as hydroponic nutrients. 3/16inch gravel will clog easily as will 1/8th small outlet holes. Aquaponics plumbing uses thicker hoses and pipework in general and gravel size will need to be increased to 3/4 inch etc. But the principal is essentially the same.