Here’s the trailer to Murray Hallam’s third installment of his aquaponics DVD series – Aquaponics: The First 12 Months. What makes it more intriguing is that it’s about our system at Ecofilms. When it was installed over a year ago, we decided to film its construction...
What pump for Aquapo...
posted by Ecofilms
Choosing the right pump for Aquaponics is a question often raised by new people interested in building their own system. For many it will be often their most expensive decision. The pumps main purpose is to lift water to a certain height. If we could harness a waterwheel on a stream to do...
Bathtub Aquaponics
posted by Ecofilms
One of the great things about Aquaponics is how you can use recyclable materials to make an inexpensive system for your backyard. Murray Hallam built a very cheap system using two old bathtubs stacked on top of each other. Here in Australia you can purchase a used bathtub from the rubbish tip...
How an Aquaponics Sy...
posted by Ecofilms
We created this flash animation that was used in Murray’s DVDs and are sharing this knowledge here and explain some of the secrets behind the auto-siphon and why flood and drain is the way to go for the backyard hobbyist.
Aquaponics Secrets T...
posted by Ecofilms
Following on from the success of Murray Hallam’s first DVD “Aquaponics Made Easy” comes a new DVD called “Aquaponics Secrets” that is designed to fill in a lot more gaps in your Aquaponics knowledge. So what is so secret about this DVD and what hidden knowledge may it contain? We caught up...
Aquaponics Made Easy...
posted by Ecofilms
[youtube][/youtube] The most popular Aquaponics video clip on YouTube is “Aquaponics Made Easy” with the biggest number of views – and for good reason. It features Murray Hallam who is one of Australia’s premium sellers...
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